The Latin words "meso" and "treatment" were combined to create the English word "mesotherapy." Mesotherapy, which means "middle treatment" in English, is a type of cosmetic care. It is a process similar to acupuncture where a needle is used on the middle layer of the skin. Mesotherapy is the practice of using needles to provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, and other substances directly into the middle layer of the skin.
Legally, all healthy adults over the age of 18 may get mesotherapy. However, there are certain persons who have conditions that make mesotherapy ineffective or who have contraindications that preclude its use. Mesotherapy has a very broad range of use cases and applications. The content to be injected with a microinjection application depends on a number of variables, including the person's health situation, age, physical attributes, and necessity. Treatments are therefore customised.
One of the most well-liked aesthetic procedures is mesotherapy. In order to manufacture the appropriate chemicals, such as amino acids, enzymes, hormones, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to first assess the patient's needs, age, and health status. During the mesotherapy procedure, these prepared compounds are administered to the skin where they are required. The structures known as collagen and elastin that keep the skin alive and taut are stimulated by these compounds when applied to skin tissue. The blood circulation in the treated area is accelerated by these activated structures, which also control immune response and lymphatic system circulation. Together, these factors promote skin rejuvenation. The loose tissues restore their previous firmness and rejuvenation is delivered as a result of the subcutaneous tissue being rebuilt. The number of sessions, the appropriate ratio of injectable medications, and the individual themselves all affect the outcomes and success rates.
Depending on the application area, mesotherapy is a treatment approach that offers advantages in a variety of ways. It gets rid of a lot of issues like cellulite, cracks, wrinkles, sunspots, skin spots, and skin disorders in the places where it is administered. It is a technique of treatment utilised particularly for persons with baldness and hair issues like alopecia, which the general population perceives as a problem with hair loss. In the bald spot, it promotes hair growth. In any area of your body, it eliminates acute or chronic pain. It can be especially helpful for some vascular issues and injuries sustained while participating in sports.
Mesotherapy is a promising procedure for body sculpting and fat removal. Its effectiveness and safety have not yet been established. Numerous research have examined mesotherapy for pain management rather than aesthetic purposes.